Monday, April 27, 2015

Kerala House Construction :Free Consultation,28/4/2015

Queries for free consultation on Kerala House construction, Kerala Architecture may be sent to

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1880 sft three bed room house designed by us for client at Kattoor,near Arthungal



Building rules


Abhishek has left a new comment on your post "Free Consultation,Kerala House Construction,17/3/1...":
Once the a house plan is approved by gram panchayat, can I then change the plan slightly ? I mean minor changes like changing the location of bedrooms or bathrooms, without making any change in the total floor area. In this way, my completion plan may not be similar to the approved plan. Is that allowed legally?

My reply

Changes in house plan without creating any violation of building rules are allowed. In case you are increasing plinth area of building, you will have to submit a revised plan. Otherwise changes made in accordance with building rules can be ratified by submitting completion plan which any way you will have to submit after completion of work


Ajmal Benn has left a new comment on your post "Building Permit":
I have a backwater frontage plot at Ernakulam, my plan is to construct flat with the frontage view, it's around 1acre 60cent with backwater frontage, what are the legal problem that I might face, as you said in your post, construction near to lakes n rivers are prohibited by central government, so is my plan wrong.?? is there any other remedy .. or should I drop the plan?

My reply

CRZ rules call for 50M clearance from rivers and lakes and 100m clearance from sea. But there relaxations in certain cases. Better contact concerned local authority office with specific survey No and Location sketch issued by Village office


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Building Permit":
My friend's brother made a house on his father plot which is not legally shared to sons. So in this case, plot is still owned by father. So my friend's brother house is considered illegal?
As per my understanding, proof of ownership is a must to get building permit.
If it is an illegal building, where can give complaint to remove illegal building?


My reply

If the building is constructed after obtaining building permit and approval of plan from concerned local authority, they would have allowed construction only in the name of present owner of plot as per established documents

Even if prior approval is not obtained, if building satisfies building rules, construction can be regularized and even in that case building owner will be plot owner. So, if your brother built house without changing ownership of land in his name, building will be in the name of the person who owns the plot

Building modification


Daphne has left a new comment on your post "Free Consultation,Kerala House Construction,17/3/1...":
Hi I am modifying my present house .
Second issue is that there is a dangerous loss of mud from under the North corner of the structure because of a rain water drain running adjacent to the structure. What is your opinion as the north room is sounding empty when anyone walks on to the room...Your valuable opinions appreciated

My reply

Re modeling and renovation of house is always a tricky affair. A lot depends on whether the original structure is built with professional design and construction with involvement and guidance of a qualified experienced building professional.

In almost all cases, original building might have got done by a nonprofessional contractor with absolutely no consideration for proper Engineering or quality of construction. Working on such a building for renovation or remodeling will be like opening of box of Pandora. It will bring up problems which you or your building contractor never anticipated. Unless remodeling or extension is recommended by an expert building professional (not by a profit motivated nonprofessional contractor) you should not venture in to it.

1 comment:

  1. How do you know if you really need to sell your land fast?

    One of the biggest problems landowners deal with on a regular basis is trying to quickly sell a property that they no longer need. There can be literally hundreds of reasons why someone would need to get rid of their vacant land fast and without any effort on their part. In this article, we will cover the top 5 reasons people need to sell their land, and explore what drives that initial decision to seek a solution to a growing problem.

    1. The land was inherited, or unexpectedly given
    As most people know, when a landowner passes away, the deed to that property will oftentimes go to a relative or family member. Many times, the heir is not financially or emotionally ready for land ownership, and when it comes time to pay property taxes or legal issues arise,the land becomes a burden to them. This leads them to seek out an easy solution to their problem.

    2. The property taxes on the land are too much to handle.
    Even when the property was purchased, not inherited, it can still be a financial burden. Depending on the county that the land is located in, and a variety of other factors, property taxes can range from really cheap to reallyexpensive. And depending on the State, unpaid (delinquent) property taxes canincreaseexcessively if not paid. When many landowners realize that their property taxes have been delinquent with the county, they seek a fast way to sell the land and not worry about it going to foreclosure.
